So onto our new necklace, We have been thinking hard to what we could add to our secrets range, something different, something new and exciting, something unique that’s how we like to roll – being different! So out of the ideas we had written down we decided on the Teardrop! I know the teardrop is not new but tears are used everyday in real life for a variation of reasons, Laughter, Joy, Love, Saddness so we thought that a tear is just as meaningful as a heart so we thought for the first addition to the secrets range we thought this went hand in hand with the secret heart range. Now to start with we cut out the length of sterling silver we needed for this one with the text we were going to use but like the secret heart you can have it smaller or bigger depending on the size of your text. So the next step was to etch the text onto the silver which if any of you know takes a little time but well worth it for the results. Now the next bit is the tricky part, Trying to shape it! I have a little scrap heap pile going on in the workshop. Now it may look a simple shape but it does take a little bit of time to achive this especially as its all made by hand, Any little wrong bend takes the whole piece go off course and it’s start again to which I have the evidence on my work bench. Doesn’t help when you have no patience like me and try to rush things! Once the shape is right the next step is to solder the two ends together which again sounds simple but what you don’t want to happen is for the solder to drop off and go in your text as this also adds to the scrap pile, Yes this also happened! but like the old saying goes you learn by your mistakes. As you can see by the picture we soldered it a fair way down the design just before the bend comes into play and there is two reasons for this. The first is that it gives it a lot more solid look from the top of the teardrop to make it more visual and basically gives it more definition and a more tear like shape. The second point is you need the soldered ends to be very solid so when you drill your hole for the chain it will not come apart – very important lol. Now the hole is a simple part to this necklace but it’s where you drill it that makes the difference, We could have drilled it right at the top so it gives it a longer look but we thought it looked best drilled half way down the join, Just gives it a more classy look with the top of the drop above the snake chain. The last two steps are to give it a damm good hand polish and bung it in the tumbler for an hour or so and there you have it a Personalised sterling silver teardrop shaped necklace. Now on to the next piece!